Saturday, June 25, 2016

Communication is Key

There are three ways to communicate with people. Those three ways being: words, tone, and non- verbal cues. Each way to communicate has a specific percentage as to the importance and value of the way somebody is communicating.

Words--------------Around 20%
Tone ---------------Around 30%
Non- Verbal ------Around 50 %

Somebody could be saying something, and depending on the way they present themselves with non-verbal cues, and depending on their tone of voice, could demonstrate the true meaning as to the message they are trying to send across. But, while looking at the percentages above, all three ways to communicate are pretty necessary.

One of the main problems is, people assume that the other person already knows. Therefore, they tend to not communicate with words very much. We do not always know what the other person is saying, even if we think we might, so it really is important to discuss.
When listening to the other person, it is important to put forth the effort of actually trying to understand them, and where they are coming from. Doing this validates. It helps the other person realize that you do care enough to decode what they are saying. It demonstrates compassion. Putting forth this effort helps each other to learn about the other person, to appreciate the other person, and to love the other person.

With that in mind, keep this in mind:
"There are many advantages to conflict."
Conflict, when gone through positively and correctly, just gives two people, or couples, the opportunity to grow closer together. To love each other more, to appreciate each other more, and to learn about the other person more.

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