Thursday, June 30, 2016

Woman Working

In the past, woman stayed home and raised the children, and nurtured the children, while the fathers left and provided for the family. Now days, it has become a lot more popular for both parents to leave the house to work and provide, while the children are left with a nanny, or daycare, or another person to teach them, and help raise them. One thing to think about for parents, and mothers, is when they are gone and working all the time, there is another person teaching and taking care of your children, and teaching them their values, so in the end it really comes down to; who do you really want to teach your children their values?

For men and woman, they say, "the biggest regret was not spending more time with my family." This is stated by the parents who thought they wanted a career and job so badly, but after the years, found that what they really wanted was their family. The talk Good, Better, Best, given by an LDS apostle, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, states: "I have never known of a man who looked back on his working life and said 'I just didn't spend enough time with my job.'"
 (the whole talk can be found here

It is understood that women cannot be in the home all the time, and they do have to work. This is mostly true with women who do not have children yet. At this time, more than likely, both husband and wife are working. This principle can be used if the wife is stay at home as well, but couples need to make sure they find time, and they shift and adjust in any direction, to be sure they are still building up their relationship. They need to make sure they are still praying together, reading scriptures together, attend the temple together, and just finding time to be with each other in general. They need to make sure they MAKE time. Plan and budget so time can be found, and this is especially important when couples are busy, and may not see each other very often!

Couples need to find ways to keep their relationship strong.

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